As a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, WABJ relies on members’ contributions to carry out its important work. Committees are the lifeblood of WABJ as each provide a space for members to use their expertise and talents to make a direct impact on the membership and help further our mission.
Committees are created by the WABJ Executive Board to carry out specific tasks. Each committee is led by a designated chair who manages meetings and ensures committee objectives are met. Scroll down to learn more about our committees. If you wish to join a committee, please complete this application form below. Email wabjdc@gmail.com for inquires.
Awards — Oversees the production of WABJ Special Honors, an annual awards program.
Membership — Develop strategies to aggressively recruit members and assure long-term engagement.
Communications — Develop, execute and oversee WABJ’s internal and external marketing and communication strategy to ensure consistent and active communication to members, non-members and partners. The committee also produces the WABJ Bulletin, our monthly newsletter.
Student Engagement & Early Career Development — Spearhead WABJ’s engagement efforts with journalism and communications students in the D.C. area and develop education enrichment programs aimed at cultivating the next generation of Black media professionals.
Program — Developing and implementing year-round career development programming.