Students Debate U.S.-China Relations

By Josh Sanders

UJW Staff

FORESTVILLE, Md. – Students in a Global Studies class at Bishop McNamara High School engaged in a fierce debate over U.S.-China relations.

They were arguing whether the United States should aid China in its rise to power and risk losing U.S. status as the world’s dominant country?

Many claimed the obvious thing to do was to aid China, but the longer they grappled with the issue they were unable to reach consensus.

“We should definitely aid China,” senior Zach Brockman said, “but the U.S. is very selfish and always wanting to be No. 1. While we want to choose the right decision, our selfishness will win us over.”

“Of course, we can’t let another country have their moment,” senior Nyerah Tolliver said in agreement. “Our country is all about being No. 1 and we don’t always make the best decisions of them all.” 

Some students said the decision ought to be based on what it means in the future for the United States.

“I wouldn’t want to have China as my enemy,” Michael Stoddard said. “If they are the next big country and we fail to ‘prevent’ them then we would be in big trouble.”

Senior Elijah Causey was hopeful the U.S. would lend a helping hand.

“I think there is a possibility that we can set aside our differences (and beliefs) and help China in its rise so that it can return the favor (one day),” he said. 

Causey said China might lighten the debt the United States owes if the U.S. is helpful to the communist nation. 

Causey added that the United States should aid China regardless of the nation’s political bent.

“It’s not like we have much of a choice,” he said.


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