Students Find Purpose in Bible Club

A Bible Club at McDonough High School has come a long way since its days at the lunch table. Student leaders hope to keep up the momentum.

Concussions Cause Student Athletes Lasting Trouble

Researchers at the Sports Legacy Institute (SLI) say young athletes are particularly vulnerable to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative disease brought on by repetitive head trauma, specifically concussions. Lasting affects of the disease are memory loss, impaired judgment, and progressive dementia.

Marie Osmond Graces Cherry Blossom Parade

Marie Osmond at 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade in Washington.

Behind the chaos of the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade were mothers’ tying bows in their dancing daughter’s hair and jittery jump ropers preparing to perform. And then there was Marie Osmond.

Celebrating A Century of Cherry Blossoms

2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade

On April 14, Constitution Avenue was filled with spectators for the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade. “Who doesn’t love a parade?” asked Jennifer Adams of Pittsburgh, who attended the parade with a group of friends.